Place name: Bramshaw, Hampshire, Wiltshire. Folio: 74r Great Domesday Book. Domesday Placename Form: Bramessage. People …

Description: Place name: Bramshaw, Hampshire, Wiltshire. Folio: 74r Great Domesday Book. Domesday place name: Bramessage. People mentioned within entire folio: Aelfhild; Aellic; Aethelwulf; Algar; Alweald; Alwig; Alwine; Asgot; Eadric; Eadric the Blind; Ealdhild; Aubrey de Coucy, Earl of Northumbria; Edgar the priest; Edmund; Edmund son of Aethelwulf; Edward; Edward of Salisbury, the sheriff; Edwin; Erlking; Esbern; Father of Edward; Father of Godric the huntsman; Father of Oda; Father of Osweard; Father of Saewulf; Father of Swein; Father of Thorkil; Father of Wulfnoth; Father of Wulfric; Foresters of King William; Gestr brother of Saeric; Gode; Godric; Godric the huntsman; Godwine; Godwine Clec; Grimbald the goldsmith; Hearding; Husband of Aelfhild; Husband of Ealdhild; Husband of Leofgyth; King Edward as lord; King William as landholder; Lang; Langa; Leofgyth; Lidhsman; Oda; Odolina; Ordweald; Osweard; Ragnburh; Saegifu; Saeric; Saeweard; Saewulf; Swein; Thorkil; Ulf; Wado; Wife of Wynsige; Wulfgeat; Wulfgeat the huntsman; Wulfnoth; Wulfric Waula; Wulfric the huntsman; Wulfweard; Wulfweard, the king's purveyor; Wynsige.
Date: 01/01/1086 - 31/12/1086
Last import: September 11, 2017

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