Place name: West Eling, Berkshire. Folio: 62v Great Domesday Book. Domesday Placename Form: Elinge. People …
Description: Place name: West Eling, Berkshire. Folio: 62v Great Domesday Book. Domesday place name: Elinge. People mentioned within entire folio: Aelfric; Aelfric, free man; Aki, free man; Alwine; Baldwin; Beorhtheah; Beorhtweard; Cypping; Drogo; Earl Harold; Roger de Breteuil, Earl of Hereford; William FitzOsbern, Earl of Hereford; Edmund; Edmund, free man; Edwin; Ernulf de Hesdin; Godwine; Gunnar; Hugh de Port; Hugh fitzBaldric; King Edward as lord; Leofwine, free man; Ludric, free man; Odo; Odo, Bishop of Bayeux; Oidelard; Ralph de Mortimer; Ralph de Tosny; Ralph fitzCount; Ralph fitzSeifrid; Ralph, son-in-law of Ralph fitzSeifrid; Regnild; Richard Puignant; Roger d'Ivry; Roger de Lacy; Saewine, free man; Abbey of St Swithun of Winchester; Wulfgifu; Wulfric, free man; Wulfweard; Aethelsige, Abbot of St Augustine of Canterbury.
Date: 01/01/1086 - 31/12/1086
Last import: September 11, 2017