Place name: Sway, New Forest, Hampshire. Folio: 51v Great Domesday Book. Domesday Placename Form: Suei/Sueia….

Description: Place name: Sway, New Forest, Hampshire. Folio: 51v Great Domesday Book. Domesday place name: Suei/Sueia. People mentioned within entire folio: Aelfric; Aelfric the Little; Aelfric the physician; Aghmund; Algar; Alweald; Beorhtsige; Bernard Pauncevolt; Bernard the chamberlain; Bolla; Cypping; Eadnoth; Eadric; Edmund; Father of Aelfric; Godric; Godric Malf; Hugh de St Quentin; Hunta; Ketil; King Edward as lord; Lyfing; Oda; Paien; Pain; Peret the forester; Saewine; Saewulf; Sons of Godric Malf; Thurbert the huntsman; Uncle of Aelfric; Waleran the huntsman; Wife of Saewulf; Wihtlac; Keeper of house of King William the Conqueror; Wulfgar; Wulfgeat; Wulfgifu; Wulfric.
Date: 01/01/1086 - 31/12/1086
Last import: September 22, 2022

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