Place name: East Wellow, New Forest, Hampshire. Folio: 48r Great Domesday Book. Domesday Placename Form: …

Description: Place name: East Wellow, New Forest, Hampshire. Folio: 48r Great Domesday Book. Domesday place name: Welle/Welleue. People mentioned within entire folio: Abbey of St Mary of Winchester; Aghmund; Algar; Alnoth; Alsige; Alweard; Alwig; Bondi; Cyning; Daughter of Guy; Earl Tosti; Edward; Gilbert de Breteuil; Godric; Guy; Hugh; Hugh de Port; Hugh fitzBaldric; Joscelin; King Edward as lord; King William as donor; King William as landholder; Manna; Nuns of Abbey of St Mary of Winchester; Ordweald; Papald; Ralph; Richard Puignant; Richard Sturmy; Robert; Turstin the chamberlain; Waleran the huntsman; Abbey of St Swithun of Winchester; Alice, Abbess of St Mary of Winchester.
Date: 01/01/1086 - 31/12/1086
Last import: September 11, 2017

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