Place name: Little Ellingham, Norfolk. Folio: 110v Little Domesday Book. Domesday Placename Form: Elincgham. People …

Description: Place name: Little Ellingham, Norfolk. Folio: 110v Little Domesday Book. Domesday place name: Elincgham. People mentioned within entire folio: Count Alan; King Edward the Confessor landowner; Eudo fitzClamahoc, Ralph de Beaufour's predecessor; Eudo, man of Earl Ralph de Gael; Godric the steward; Earl Ralph de Gael; Ralph de Beaufour; Robert Blund, sheriff of Norfolk; Saham Toney, reeve of; William de Warenne.
Date: 01/01/1086 - 31/12/1086
Last import: September 11, 2017

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