Deed of Appointment and Grant

Description: By GEORGE CHANTLER BEARD of Riccarton in the province of Canterbury in New Zealand, esq., to the Rev. SPENCER RODNEY DRUMMOND of Brighton, clerk, the Rev. CHAS. MACKIE late of Avonside, Canterbury, New Zealand but then of Harbridge, co. Hants, clerk, and FREDERICK MILLS WELSFORD of Brighton gent. under power reserved by deed of 16 Dec., 1848, of one undivided 4th part of and in such parts as were of freehold tenure of messuages or tenements Nos.15 & 16 (formerly 11 & 12) in the Marine Parade in Brighton; No. 1 German Place; Nos. 2 - 7 German Place and Nos. 20 - 25 German Place in Brighton And also Assignment of an undivided 4th part of and in such parts as were copyhold tenure of Nos. 15 & 16 (formerly 11 & 12) in the Marine Parade and No.1 in German Place To hold upon the trusts declared Signatures of all parties and seals
Date: 01/01/1859 - 31/12/1859
Last import: September 11, 2017

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