Legal papers written by Sir Matthew Hale

Description: As follows: 'Concerninge the Courts of Kinges bench and comon pleas'. Printed F. Hargrave, A collection of tracts, I, 1787, 356-76 (ff.2-8). Legal notes perhaps relating to the previous item (ff.9-10v). Treatise and notes on tithes, oblations, and other parochial dues (ff.13-57v). 'Reflections on Mr. Hobbs his Dialogue of ye Lord. Md. the first 6 leaves seeme to be a Rough Draught of his thoughts on ye subject. The following 11 leaves are those thoughts methodically extended but left imperfect ... 'Tis sayd by Mr. Stephens yt his Lordship had writt a full Quire on this suject, wch he remembers to have ty'd together in a Roll, being in loose sheetes' (ff.60-78). Note of commissions by the court of admiralty concerning piracy, 1 Hen.VII - 2 Chas.I (f.80). Notes on Magna Carta and the statute of Merton (ff.98-105). Legal notes on entail (ff.122-127v). Notes by Hale as defence counsel at the trial of James Hamilton, 1st Duke of Hamilton, and on inheritance by the naturalised sons (aliens) of an unnamed attainted Scottish Earl, probably the Duke of Hamilton, [1649] (ff.128-206). Draft of 'Considerations touchinge the reformation of the lawes', c.1665 (ff.209-218v). 'Considerations touchinge the amendment or alteration of lawes', August 1665. Printed Hargrave, op.cit., 249-89 (ff.221-46). Bound in calf with contents listed on spine. iii + 249 ff.
Date: 01/01/1665 - 31/12/1787
Last import: September 11, 2017

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