Vestry Minute Book

Description: pp. 1 - 209 Vestry minutes and some P.C.C. minutes and churchwardens' accounts, Apr. 1724 - May 1945; pp.211 - 209 Allocation of pews, 1729; pp.210 - 215 Accounts and memoranda, Jan. 1940 - Dec. 1946; pp.458 - 434 Briefs, Apr. 1724 - Jan. 1806; pp.419, 418 Memoranda concerning church plate and vestments, 1726 - 1795; p.416 churchwardens' accounts, 1724 - 1726; pp.378 - 386 Accounts of collection monies and details of expenditure, Nov 1723 - June 1763; pp 325, 324 Note concerning the marriage of Anthony Love and Mary Newicke, 1749, and list of securities [?settlement certificates] in the church chest, 1718 - 1775; p. 308 Accounts for the maintenance of paupers, 1724-1727
Date: 01/04/1724 - 31/12/1946
Last import: September 11, 2017

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