Counterpart of reversionary lease for 99 yrs. or 2 lives. Fine: £50. Rent 13s.4d. Heriot…

Description: Counterpart of reversionary lease for 99 yrs. or 2 lives. Fine: £50. Rent 13s.4d. Heriot 18s. (i) Sir Jn. Coryton, Bt. (ii) Jn. Lawrence, Falmouth, tobacconist. - 2 flds. called Wood Closes(25a.). Occ. Wm. Burley, decd., then Margaret Burley, widow, then Nich. Burley theirs. (Timber and tin reserved. Lives: (ii) and Grace Lawrance dtr. of Hen. Lawrance (decd.) of Feock. Term to begin after death of Nich. Burley. Suit of court etc.). Witd. Geo. Dunning, Jn. Horndon, Rich. Smith.
Date: 17/10/1727
Last import: September 11, 2017

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