Debtor: John Boussh, and William Hawkin, of Lymington, merchants, of Hants [Christchurch Hundred] Creditor: Hugh …

Description: Debtor: John Boussh, and William Hawkin, of Lymington, merchants, of Hants [Christchurch Hundred] Creditor: Hugh Sampson, merchant of Hants. Amount: £16, for merchandise bought from him. Before whom: William Sampson, William le Horder; John le Barber, Clerk, at Southampton, in the presence of Roger Normaund, William the Launderer, John Casterel, and John le Taverner, burgesses of Southampton. When taken: 26/07/1325 First term: 11/11/1325 Last term: 11/11/1325 Writ to: Sheriff of Hants Sent by: William Sampson, William le Horder; Geoffrey Hogheles, Clerk at Southampton. Endorsement: Suth't'. coram Iusticiariis de banco.
Date: 01/01/1325 - 31/12/1325
Last import: September 11, 2017

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