Petitioners: Alan de Plokenet (Plunket). Name(s): de Plokenet (Plunket), Alan. Addressees: King and council. Nature…

Description: Petitioners: Alan de Plokenet (Plunket). Name(s): de Plokenet (Plunket), Alan. Addressees: King and council. Nature of request: Plokenet requests remedy since he holds the manors of Piddington, Pitney and Wearne of the King in exchange for the stewardship of the New Forest and the manor of Lyndhurst, and the assessors of the tallage have come and charged the men of the said manors just like the King's other demesnes, when the King has been satisfied for the value elsewhere and has reserved nothing for himself in the aforesaid manors, so they ought not be his demesnes, as is more fully contained in the charter made on this. Nature of endorsement: He should show the charter in Chancery and have remedy there, namely a writ to the tallagers not to demand such tallage since those manors are not in the King's hand, and anything levied is to be restored to him. Places mentioned: Piddington, Oxfordshire; Pitney, Somerset; Wearne, Somerset; New Forest, [Hampshire]; Lyndhurst, [Hampshire].
Date: 01/01/1305 - 31/12/1305
Last import: September 11, 2017

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