Petitioners: Prior and convent of King’s Langley. Addressees: King. Nature of Request: The prior and…
Description: Petitioners: Prior and convent of King's Langley. Addressees: King. Nature of request: The prior and convent of King's Langley request justice since on 2 October in the twelfth year of his reign [1388] the King granted them all the rents, issues and profits of the manors of Preston, Elmeston, Overland, Wadling, Hamme, Westgate, Goodnestone, Wadeslade, Harrietsham, Beaurepair and Packmanstone seized into the King's hand by the forfeiture of Burley from the day of the forfeiture until 3 August then next, but the issues and profits were in the hands of so many persons that some have not yet answered for them. They also request that a commission be granted to Makenade to enquire into this matter. Nature of endorsement: [None]. Places mentioned: Childerlangele (King's Langley), [Hertfordshire]; Preston, Kent; Elmstone, Kent; Overland, Kent; Wadling, Kent; Ham, Kent; Westgate (Westgate on Sea), Kent; Goodnestone, Kent; Wadeslade, Kent; Harrietsham, Kent; Beaurepair, Kent; Packmanstone, Kent. People mentioned: Simon de Beurele (Burley); William Makenade of Kent.
Date: 01/01/1389 - 31/12/1389
Last import: September 12, 2017