[C1810 P15]. Short title: Page v Burley. Document type: Three answers. Plaintiffs: William Woods Page, …

Description: [C1810 P15]. Short title: Page v Burley. Document type: Three answers. Plaintiffs: William Woods Page, Mary Sheppard, widow, Revett Sheppard, Thomas Bland and Emma Bland his wife, John Sheppard, John Hall, Edmund Sheppard and Frederick Sheppard (infants by Mary Sheppard their mother). Defendants: William Henry [Nassau de Zuylesten] Earl of Rochford, John Pytches (junior), Catherine Revett of Brandeston Hall, Brandeston, Suffolk, George Burley, George Nassau and John Pytches (senior) and Catherine Ann Pytches his wife. original bill Easter 1798.
Date: 01/01/1811 - 31/12/1811
Last import: September 11, 2017

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