Petitioners: Edmund Harpetynge. Name(s): Harpetynge, Edmund. Addressees: King. Nature of Request: Edmund Harpetynge states that …

Description: Petitioners: Edmund Harpetynge. Name(s): Harpetynge, Edmund. Addressees: King. Nature of request: Edmund Harpetynge states that he has enfeoffed Nicholas Carrew, Thomas Seton and Adam Hyde with his lands and tenements in Surrey, but that they have refused to re-enfeoff him with them. He asks the King to send for them and to order them to do so. Nature of endorsement: [None]. Places mentioned: Surrey. People mentioned: Nicholas Carrew; Thomas Seton; Adam Hyde.
Date: 01/01/1400 - 31/12/1420
Last import: September 12, 2017

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