Petitioners: Abbot and Convent of Beaulieu. Addressees: King. Nature of Request: The Abbot and Convent…

Description: Petitioners: Abbot and Convent of Beaulieu. Addressees: King. Nature of request: The Abbot and Convent of Beaulieu request remedy, stating that whereas they have always been entitled to receive the amercements charged on their people for trespasses, forfeitures and other causes, such amercements from the people of Faringdon are now being withheld from them by the king's seneschal and marshal. Nature of endorsement: He should show his charter in Chancery and have a writ accordingly. Places mentioned: Beaulieu, [Hampshire]; Chipping Faringdon (Faringdon), [Berkshire].
Date: 01/01/1307 - 31/12/1307
Last import: September 11, 2017

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