Petitioners: John Flour, chaplain and chantry priest at the altar of St Laurence in the …
Description: Petitioners: John Flour, chaplain and chantry priest at the altar of St Laurence in the parish church of Newark. Name(s): Flour, John. Addressees: Commons. Occupation: chaplain and chantry priest at the altar of St Laurence in the parish church of Newark. Nature of request: Flour requests that the commons request the king and lords will ordain that the chantry of Maud Saucemer be perpetual, and that the chaplains have the capacity to buy and receive lands, tenements and rents, and be able to plead. He further requests the confirmation of a procedure for the selection of his successors and that they can have the rent of 6½ marks of rent from the abbot of Wellow and distrain for the same should it be in arrears with access to the appropriate writ for the recovery of the same. Maud Saucemer established the chantry, the rent being paid by the abbot, but it is withheld by the current abbot. Nature of endorsement: [On face].Let this bill be sent to the lords.[On dorse, none]. Places mentioned: Newark, Nottinghamshire; Wellow, [Lincolnshire]; Grimsby, [Lincolnshire]. People mentioned: Thomas, late Abbot of the minster of St Augustine, Wellow; Matilda Saucemer of Newark, widow of William Saucemer; William Saucemer, late husband of the petitioner; William, late Archbishop of York.
Date: 01/01/1425 - 31/12/1450
Last import: September 11, 2017