Petitioners: Geoffrey Scurlag; William Culhout; William Litecnave; Hugh Robert; John Wyncham; Adam Cole; John le …

Description: Petitioners: Geoffrey Scurlag; William Culhout; William Litecnave; Hugh Robert; John Wyncham; Adam Cole; John le Clerk; William Gest; Robert Godgrom; David le Clerk; Robert le Knyght (Knight); Thomas Jardyn; John Turk; William Bouche; Robert le Bryd (Bridde); Robert Morlegh (Morley); Hugh Toterich; John Gefre; Rynaud Clarice; Geoffrey Bourgage (Burgage). Name(s): Scurlag; Culhout; Litecnave; Robert; Wyncham; Cole; Clerk; Gest; Godgrom; Clerk; Knyght (Knight); Jardyn; Turk; Bouche; Bryd (Bridde); Morlegh (Morley); Toterich; Gefre; Clarice; Bourgage (Burgage), Geoffrey; William; William; Hugh; John; Adam; John; William; Robert; David; Robert; Thomas; John; William; Robert; Robert; Hugh; John; Rynaud; Geoffrey. Addressees: King and council. Nature of request: The petitioners, people of the town of Lymington, request remedy concerning a suit of trespass sued against them by the mayor, bailiffs and people of Southampton where, by the maintenance of Despenser and Stapledon, judgement was awarded against them and damages of £200 awarded to those of Southampton. The chancellor, treasurer and barons will do nothing without award of parliament. Nature of endorsement: Let it be ordered by a writ to the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer that when they have called to them certain wise people of the king's council and brought the process before them, if they find that an error was made, they are to make amends and do justice to the parties. Places mentioned: Lymington, [Hampshire]; Southampton, [Hampshire]. People mentioned: Mayor, bailiffs and other people of the town of Southampton; Roger le Beler; Hugh le Despenser the elder; [Walter Stapledon], Bishop of Exeter.
Date: 01/01/1327 - 31/12/1327
Last import: September 12, 2017

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