Sir Wm. Molyneux at Wellow to John Hewett; dispute re Caunton Common etc. “Mr. Martin…
Description: Sir Wm. Molyneux at Wellow to John Hewett; dispute re Caunton Common etc. "Mr. Martin of Dean Hall and Mr. Clark, keeper of Averham Park, came to me yesterday to complain very much of Paul Pearson of Conton concerning the common of Conton he says neither you nor Lord Grandby has a right of common, as your Tenants never has put any goods upon the Common for several years and that if they put any goods upon the Common they will pin them. Paul Pearson has been over to Lord Middleton and told him a great many storys. My Lord told Pearson that he should leave all these disputes to Mr. Willowby. Mr. Martin informs me he is a very bad man & has used you and Lord Grandby extremely ill in this affair and many others, and is very much against his going to London about the Turnpike, and accordingly Mr. Martin and Mr. Clark has been at Mr. Laws and persuaded Mr. Law not to take him to London which Mr. Law has agreed to and they have named one Thomas Clark of Balderton to go in Pearson's stead. He rents the Tyth of the parish of Conton, and they tell me a very sensible man and understands and knows the lands and meddows extremely well, as well as Pearson ..."; horses ill of distemper.
Date: 16/02/1770
Last import: September 11, 2017