Cause number: 1844 A54. Short title: Attorney General at the relation of Boulter v Berry. …

Description: Cause number: 1844 A54. Short title: Attorney General at the relation of Boulter v Berry. Documents: Bill, six answers, certificate and replication. Plaintiffs: Attorney General at the relation of William Boulter and others, informant. Defendants: John Berry, Thomas Hughes, George Bailey, William Berry, Thomas Williams, Samuel Harbidge and Humphrey Webb. Amended by order 1845. John Tench, Robert Harbridge and Richard Hodges added as defendants. Amended by order 1845. James Slatter added as a defendant. Provincial solicitor employed in Oxfordshire.
Date: 01/01/1844 - 31/12/1844
Last import: September 11, 2017

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