Lease and release

Description: Lease and release of part of piece of land called Furlongs, parish of Carisbrooke. (measures from north to south on east side 442 feet and on west side 445 feet, and from east to west on north and south parts 228 feet), bounded on east by other part of Furlongs purchased by James Adams of Edward Pittis, on west by land late of Sarah Jackman but now of Mary Cooke, widow, on north by upper road leading from Carisbrooke to Clatterford, and on south by other road leading from Carisbrooke to Clatterford (1) Edward White of parish of Godshill, yeoman (2) Robert Pittis of Blackwater, parish of Arreton, gent.; Edward Pittis of Nodehill, Carisbrooke, grocer (3) John Pittis of Newport, merchant (4) James Adams of parish of Carisbrooke, gent. (5) Francis Worsley of Newport, gent. Consideration: (4) pays (1) £220 to discharge mortgage; (4) pays (2) £10 [as commissioners for bankruptcy of (3)]; total £230
Date: 01/01/1821 - 31/12/1821
Last import: September 11, 2017

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