Short title: Rede v Curson. Plaintiffs: William Rede, master of the hospital of St Thomas…
Description: Short title: Rede v Curson. Plaintiffs: William Rede, master of the hospital of St Thomas of Beck in Billingford. Defendants: John Curson, esquire. Subject: Wrongful occupation of the hospital and of messuages and land in Billingford, Bawdeswell, Bylaugh, Bintree, Foulsham, Wood Norton, Dalling, Sparham, Ringland, Guestwick, Hoo, Witchingham, Beetley, Brisley, Ellingham, Reepham (Ryfeham), Sall, and elsewhere, and seizure of bells and vestments. Norfolk. RHP.
Date: 01/01/1533 - 31/12/1538
Last import: September 11, 2017