Short title: Delabere v Dansey. Plaintiffs: Richard Delabere, knight. Defendants: John Dansey, feoffee to uses. …

Description: Short title: Delabere v Dansey. Plaintiffs: Richard Delabere, knight. Defendants: John Dansey, feoffee to uses. Subject: Refusal to release to his co-feoffees his interest in the manors of Chabnor, Alton, Fawley, Stretford, Eastnor, Hopton, Hagernell, Hoddesbache, Clatre, Kinnersley, Letton, Hurtesley, Dorston, Chilston, and Little Tadington; one-third of the manors of Clehonger, Mere Court, Barr's Court, Larport, Mathern by Chepstow, Little Teynton and Kilcote; lands in the said places and in Tibberton, Ledbury, Colwall, Bromyard, Whitbourne, Bryngesty, Strangeford, Pembridge, Bullinghope, Haythrope, and Hereford; and the advowsons of the churches, chapels, and chantries of Stretford, Letton, Kinnersley, and Dilwyn. Herefordshire, Monmouth, Gloucestershire.
Date: 01/01/1504 - 31/12/1515
Last import: September 11, 2017

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