Interrogatories, Depositions taken at Wellow 20 Oct 34 Geo 2, 1760. John Beane v. William …

Description: Interrogatories, Depositions taken at Wellow 20 Oct 34 Geo 2, 1760. John Beane v. William White. Depositions for Paintiff and Defendant. Concerning the payment of a legacy left by the Will of William White of Turinnoe (Somerset), yeoman, (Defendant's late father) to his daughter Sarah, who first married Benjamin Cole, and afterwards Joseph Deanes the younger of Wellow (Somerset), thatcher, which legacy is said to have been paid with money raised by Susannah White (Testator's widow) on a Mortgage of Annuities issuing out of an estate in Milford in the parish of Charterhouse Hinton (Somerset) which came to her under the Will of Mr. Marchant her father, etc., etc. [The names of John White and Hester White (son and daughter of Testator), the Revd. Walter Robbins, and William Eyre, are mentioned.] Somerset.
Date: 25/10/1760 - 24/10/1761
Last import: September 11, 2017

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