Lease and release with deed to lead the uses of a fine

Description: Of messuage or tenement, lands, etc., called: Blackwater, alias Watergate, 18a. Piece of pasture, 4a., late in occ. George Bush, on w. side of Russell Downe Piece of pasture, 3a. All p. Carisbrooke, I.W., and late occ. William Woodford deceased, son and heir of late Peter Woodford of p. Freshwater, I.W. Piece of pasture called Upper or Long Whitley, 3a., p. Carisbrooke, abbs. s. & e. land late of Richard Broad, Gent., n. King's highway, w. land of Sir Edward Worseley, Knt., late occ Richard Jeffery, then occ. Richard Cross, John Young and John Perkins Piece of land, formerly two, called Colemans, 4a., near Blackwater, p. Carisbrooke, late occ. Robert Smith, then occ. Richard Jeffery, Richard Cross, John Young and John Perkins, abbs. n. Millfurlongs late occ. Robert Smith, decd., e., s. & w. King's highway from Blackwater to Marvell Close called Rye Close alias Sandpitts, 7a., p. Carisbrooke, late occ. Nicholas Chestle, abbs. s. land belonging to Marvell Farm, w. & e. lands of Elizabeth Downe, widow, and Jane Downe, n. certain college land. Fine to enure to uses of (2). Consid: £320 (1) Andrew Goter of p. Godshill, I.W., yeoman John Goter of p. Godshill, I.W., yeoman (2) Edward Hayles of Newport, I.W., scrivener [Ex HBY/472]
Date: 01/01/1695 - 31/12/1695
Last import: September 11, 2017

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