Short title: Brettingham v Wolgar. Plaintiffs: Jeffrey Brettingham. Defendants: John Wolgar, Peter Burden, John Gratwick …

Description: Short title: Brettingham v Wolgar. Plaintiffs: Jeffrey Brettingham. Defendants: John Wolgar, Peter Burden, John Gratwick and Sir Edward Francis. Subject: extent of the manor of Wappingthorn, a messuage and land in Cowfould [Cowfold] and Westgrinsted [West Grinstead], Ockendon, a farm in Cowfould and manor of Tottington alias Woowood, a messuage called Nashe and lands in Stenynge [Steyning], Wiston and Ashurst and messuages and lands in Coombes, and Findon, Sussex, late of Sir John Leeds. Document type: [pleadings].
Date: 01/01/1603 - 31/12/1625
Last import: September 11, 2017

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