Kemberton. Gift in fee simple, indented. (i) Thomas Camoys, John Bohun, William Hankeford, John Wylteshire, Kts., Thomas…

Description: Kemberton. Gift in fee simple, indented. (i) Thomas Camoys, John Bohun, William Hankeford, John Wylteshire, Kts., Thomas Harlyng, clerk, Robert Hulle, Nicholas Carewe, William Cheyne, William Ryman and Robert Ingler. (ii) Rowland Leynthale kt. and Margaret Arundell, his wife. Manor of Kemberton, co. Salop., and appurts. Consid : 1000 marks paid by Richard, late Earl of Arundel and Surrey, on marriage of Margaret, his dau. Witnesses : Edward Charleton, lord of Powys, Richard Lakyn, kt., William Ludlowe, William Burley, Thomas Eton. (D2153/429, 430, 972, 2, 436, 437, 438, 439, 3, 442, 444, 447, 448, originally tied together with parchment)
Last import: September 12, 2017

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