Henry Harcourt, of Pendley, in the parish of Aldbury (Herts), Esq., John Tovey, of Aldbury,…

Description: Henry Harcourt, of Pendley, in the parish of Aldbury (Herts), Esq., John Tovey, of Aldbury, yeoman, John Sealing, of Wigginton, yeoman. v. Willm. Gore, of Tring (Herts), Esq., the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Christ, in the University of Oxford, the Right Hon. James, Earl of Northampton, Ralph Freeman, Esq.: Rectories and parishes of Aldbury and Tring, the vill or town of Wigginton, the manor or farm of Pendley, inclosed grounds called Pendley Park, &c., &c. Tithes, [The names and possessions of Robert Hyde, Sir Thomas Hyde, Hugh Hunt, of Pendley, and Sir Richard Anderson, are mentioned.]: Hertford; Oxford.
Date: 11/06/1730 - 10/06/1731
Last import: September 12, 2017

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