Wm. Norwood, Wm. Whithorne, Richd. Hale. v. Richard Cartwright, Thos. Cartwright.: Manors of Cheltenham. Asheley,…

Description: Wm. Norwood, Wm. Whithorne, Richd. Hale. v. Richard Cartwright, Thos. Cartwright.: Manors of Cheltenham. Asheley, and Charlton Kings, and Ham. Touching the lands of Edith Johnson, deceased, without heirs, held of the manor of Cheltenham, and escheated tothe Crown, and her other lands, held of William Grevill, as of his manor of Asheley. Meets and bounds of such manors. Do the tythes of Charlton Kings, Ham, Northfield, Cheltenham, Westall, Naunton, Alston, and Arle belong to the parsonage of Cheltenham and chapel of Charlton Kings annexed? Whether the lands in question lie in Charlton Kings or Ham? Survey of same.: Gloucester.
Date: 24/03/1607 - 23/03/1608
Last import: September 11, 2017

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