Ambrose Grey, Gerrard Wharwood, Richd. Harris, Edwd. Hale, Richd. Dickyns, John Danser, senr., Nichs. Hart, …

Description: Ambrose Grey, Gerrard Wharwood, Richd. Harris, Edwd. Hale, Richd. Dickyns, John Danser, senr., Nichs. Hart, Henry Addenbrooke, Wm. Hornblower, Owen Foster, "and others." v. Lawrence Holden and others.: Iverley Wood, in the parish of Kinfare. Whether the townships of Kinfare, Hastcote, Whittington, Stoureton, and Donesley (Stafford), and Padmore, Hagley, Old Swinford, Churchill, Wollaston, and Consall (Worcester), lie within the bounds of the forest of Kinfare, or near the wood? Whether the inhabitants of such towns have right of common on the wood? Did plaintiff Grey have a lease thereof from Queen Elizabeth? Survey of same.: Stafford and Worcester.
Date: 24/03/1604 - 23/03/1605
Last import: September 11, 2017

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