Prisoner name: Thomas Burley. Prisoner age: 40 years. Prisoner occupation: Gardener at Plumstead, Kent. Court …

Description: Prisoner name: Thomas Burley. Prisoner age: 40 years. Prisoner occupation: Gardener at Plumstead, Kent. Court and date of trial: Old Bailey February Sessions 1826. Crime: Stealing two cows, the property of Elizabeth Johnson. Initial sentence: Death. Annotated (Outcome): Considered at the Report in Council 3 May 1826. Petitioner(s): Prisoner and 39 signatories. Elizabeth Johnson , prosecutor. Thomas William Blomfield of Shooter's Hill, Kent. Grounds for clemency (Petition Details): Committed crime because of distress; previous good character; first offence; wife has deserted him twice and caused financial difficulties. Other papers: Letter from brother, Stephen Burley, forwarding petition.
Date: 01/03/1826 - 31/03/1826
Last import: September 11, 2017

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