Accounts in: Short title: Lett v Randall. Plaintiffs: Thomas Lett the elder, (deceased) and Thomas…

Description: Accounts in: Short title: Lett v Randall. Plaintiffs: Thomas Lett the elder, (deceased) and Thomas Lett the younger. Defendants: Sarah Randall the elder, Sarah Randall the younger, Archibald Montgomery Campbell (since deceased) and Isabella Campbell his wife, Archibald Campbell, Isabella Campbell the daughter, Sarah Campbell, Nathaniel Campbell, Elizabeth Campbell, Susan Campbell, infants by said Archibald Montgomery Campbell their guardian, William Campbell, infant by said Sarah Campbell the younger his guardian, Miles Dormer and Susan Dormer his wife, Frederick Cuerton Travers Smyth and Juliana Smyth his wife, James Bulkeley, esq and Eliza Bulkeley his wife heretofore called Eliza Haddock, Louisa Randall, Archibald Bulkeley, esq and Helen Bulkeley his wife and William Randall. Subject: freehold and leasehold estates of William Randall, esq testator in Battersea, Walworth, Beaulieu Hill [Beulah Hill], Lambeth, Wandsworth, Southwark, Surrey. Details: list of tenants and rents, receivers, disbursements. Receiver: John Benjamin Clark. Chancery Master: John Dowdeswell.
Date: 01/01/1835 - 31/12/1841
Last import: September 12, 2017

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