Short title: Bretland v Belleine. Document type: Bill and answer. Plaintiffs: Tobias Bretland, esq of …

Description: Short title: Bretland v Belleine. Document type: Bill and answer. Plaintiffs: Tobias Bretland, esq of Thorncliff, Cheshire (cousin, heir at law of and administrator with will annexed of Reginald Bretland, late serjeant at law, and long since deceased, of goods being unadministetered by George Bretland, esq and Catherine Hyde deceased). Defendants: John Belleine, Edward Turner and Elizabeth Turner his wife (said John Belleine and Elizabeth Turner being executors of Robert Belleine, deceased) William Freema, esq and George Hyde. Date of bill (or first document): 1743.
Date: 01/01/1743 - 31/12/1743
Last import: September 12, 2017

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