Short title: Calland v Ferguson. Document type: Bill and answer. Plaintiffs: Robert Calland, collar maker …

Description: Short title: Calland v Ferguson. Document type: Bill and answer. Plaintiffs: Robert Calland, collar maker of Bewlay, Hampshire and Hannah Calland his wife, John Calland, yeoman of Bewlay (their son), Henry Edwards, collar maker of Bewlay and Hannah Edwards his wife (a daughter of said Robert Calland) and James Calland, Sarah Calland and Robert Calland (their other children), infants, (by their said mother), (legatees of James Burton, merchant deceased, late of Fawley, Hampshire). Defendants: William Ferguson, draper. Date of bill (or first document): 1721.
Date: 01/01/1721 - 31/12/1721
Last import: September 11, 2017

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