Short title: Blake v Read. Document type: Bill only. Plaintiffs: William Blake, gent, Benjamin Tomlinson, …

Description: Short title: Blake v Read. Document type: Bill only. Plaintiffs: William Blake, gent, Benjamin Tomlinson, ctizen and draper of London, John Warner, citizen and goldsmith of London, Richard Trueby, cirizen and vintner of London, Charles Mather, gent of London, Francis Madden of St Martin in the Fields, Henry Everet, farrier and others (creditors of William Hale, esq deceased of Kings Walden, Hertfordshire). Defendants: Thomas Read, Thomas Cook, esq, Katherine Hale a widow, [unknown] [unknown] (eldest son and heir of William Hale, esq, deceased), Paggen Hale, Peter Paggen, esq, Samuel Stubbs, John Fitzjames, George Cook, Bostock Poller, Elizabeth Cecill, Francis Brace, Robert Lord and William Standridge. Date of bill (or first document): 1717.
Date: 01/01/1717 - 31/12/1717
Last import: September 11, 2017

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