Folios 167-170. Letter from the Earl of Moira at Cowes, Isle of Wight, enclosing a …

Description: Folios 167-170. Letter from the Earl of Moira at Cowes, Isle of Wight, enclosing a return of the troops embarked for Guernsey and Jersey, whose vessels should have left their moorings off Lymington, Hampshire, on the previous evening. Moira reports that he has ordered the Hessian troops to hold themselves ready to leave for Flanders at short notice. Their sick list numbers 800 but they do not have 'that formidable malady which has fallen so heavy upon the British' and many of their cases would not be admitted to a British sick list. Enclosed is the embarkation return of the 3rd [East Kent or Buffs] and parts of the 63rd [West Suffolk] and 78th [Highland] Regiments of Foot, embarked at Cowes and Lymington on 21 March 1794.
Date: 22/03/1794
Last import: September 11, 2017

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