Assignment of mortgage from Ellis Jones of Ensdon, co. Salop, yeoman, and John Jones of Felton Butler, co. Salop, shoemaker, by the direction of Thomas Hyde of Birmingham, grocer, to Henry Mucklow of Tardebigg, co. Worc., farmer, and Thomas Lyndon of King

Description: Assignment of mortgage from Ellis Jones of Ensdon, co. Salop, yeoman, and John Jones of Felton Butler, co. Salop, shoemaker, by the direction of Thomas Hyde of Birmingham, grocer, to Henry Mucklow of Tardebigg, co. Worc., farmer, and Thomas Lyndon of Kingsnorton, farmer, executors of the will of John Lyndon of Tardebigg, farmer, deceased, of leasehold land and premises in Hospital Street.
Date: 04/04/1814
Last import: September 12, 2017

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