LOUISA Reg No 22538

Description: Reg. Southampton 1859 Built 1858 at Cross House by Joseph Hodgkinson Steam, paddle Reg. tons 23 net, 36 gross Crew lists: 1867-1, ---- 1871-1, 1872-2, 1873-1, 1874-2, 1875-3, 1876-3, 1877-1, 1878-3, 1879-2, 1880-NA, 1881-NA, 1882-2, 1883-2, 1884-2, 1886-2, 1887-2, (see FREDERICA DCrew/44904) Owner: W. Winkworth, Hythe; 1874 Frederick Fry, Hythe; 1887 James Percy, Southampton Master: T. Barnes, Hythe; 1871 Mark Nash Leburn, Hythe; 1878-82 Richard Banks and George Warren; 1883-7 Richard Barnes Voyages; regularly Southampton to Hythe (1871-93 the same crew worked LOUISA and FREDERICA alternately between Hythe and Southampton - see also FREDERICA DCrew/44904) 1893 converted to barge and certificate cancelled
Last import: September 11, 2017

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