Conveyance (Feoffment); John Friend of Hythe, brewer, to Corporation

Description: (a) Piece of yard or ground in the Middle Ward of Hythe occupied by Sarah Petley, on part of which is a privy and which is part of the premises known as The White Hart: abutting the remainder of the White Hart (N) & (W); the King's Highway (E) and the site of the demolished Guildhall (S) (b) License to build the west end of the new Guildhall against the White Hart for the length of 37ft 3 ins and also to carry the new building upon and over the carriage way leading from the High Street to the White Hart yard: the Corporation to leave a carriage way 11 ft wide, 12 ft high and to build a privy under the new building Consideration: the premises and 10 shillings
Date: 08/04/1794
Last import: September 11, 2017

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