
Description: Mortgage of closes of Shide, parish of Carisbrooke, called Doctors Ground, Doctors Mead and Lucern Field, with garden and the Islands, which (1) purchased from Nicholas Smith on 2 December 1820. Also messuage at Ryde, built by James Stagg Cheverton and sold to (1), which messuage is held on lease (dated 6 January 1820) from Jane Player, widow, George Player, John Lind of Portsmouth, Doctor of Physic and others for three lives (1) John Smith of Shide, parish of Carisbrooke, builder (2) William Griffiths of Newport, gent. [trustee] (3) Jane Kemp of parish of Godshill, spinster
Date: 01/01/1821 - 31/12/1821
Last import: September 11, 2017

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