Bargain and sale

Description: Bargain and sale of messuage and land (12 acres) known as Billes, parish of Godshill, late in occupation of William Rolfe (deceased), and all other barns, stables, buildings, meadows, woods, rents etc. Obligation and extract from will, which bequeaths land called Morrisy's to son William Rolfe, rest of land to grandson William Rolfe Consideration: £70 (1) William Porter of parish of Godshill, gentleman; William Punch of parish of Godshill, yeoman; Thomas Rolfe of parish of Godshill, yeoman - overseers in will of William Rolfe of Godshill, yeoman (2) Anthony Maynard of Newport, apothecary
Date: 01/01/1668 - 31/12/1668
Last import: September 11, 2017

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