Counterpart lease for 16 years

Description: Cottage or tenement called WHITE'S COTTAGE, with piece of furzey ground adjoining, 3a., p. Gatcombe, I.W. Meadow and pasture ground inclosed and uninclosed lying on left hand side of road from Coxes Corner towards Chilerton, 132a., p. Gatcombe (1) Sir William Oglander of Nunwell, [p. Brading], I.W. James Worsley of Stenbury, [p. Godshill], I.W., esq. (2) James Harvey of p. Arreton, I.W., yeoman James Hills of p. Gatcombe, yeoman Consid: £192 8s. p.a.
Date: 01/01/1783 - 31/12/1783
Last import: September 11, 2017

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