Lease for 99 years

Description: Determinable on the deaths of Benjamin Bagster, son of (2), and Thomas Bagster, son of George Bagster of Newport, I.W., Gent. of two messuages or tenements etc., called Stone, and toft of a tenement called Gilmans with all lands, etc., 3 yard lands, and 3a. in a ground called Longland, bounds "from the barres [of] the said ground southward as [far as] the lane ... from Newport towards Rookeley to a lancher (meaning obscure) that stretcheth athward the said ground ... from the highway ... towards Rookeley by a bound stone that divideth certain lands called Alysland and other lands there standing upon the said lancher and so stretcheth over the lane or packway from Newport ... towards Godshill to another bound stone there standing neere the hedge and so ... by the said packway back again unto the barres ... making the said 3a. ... almost trianglewise", all p. Arreton, I.W., and part of the homage of North Godshill, late parcel of the copyhold lands belonging to the manor of Appuldurcombe, I.W. Consid: £360. Pays 40s. p.a. (1) Hon. Sir Robert Worsley of Chilton, Hants., Bart. (2) Benjamin Bagster of Fareham, Hants., Gent. [Ex HBY/407]
Last import: September 11, 2017

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