A writer, signing herself “A. H.” to Lady Meredith [Mary, wife of Sir William Meredith]

Description: Advises Lady Meredith seriously to consider that strange and heretical religion which she hath hitherto professed. ... All other religions are new, in comparison with the Catholic faith and worship. Henry the Eighth's time is the date of Protestants ... "unless you will derive from Knipperdoling & Jerome of Prague". ... "The Militia here will soon be in good order; most of it officered by Catholics. We have a Cabal, sits ... three nights in the week, at Somerset House, where my Lord Digby, & Aubigny [in MS.: "Aubeny"], lately made Bishop by his Holiness bear the sway, with submission to that pattern of piety, the Queen Mother." ...
Date: 20/11/1662
Last import: September 11, 2017

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