Counterpart of lease for 99 yrs. or 3 lives. Fine £90. Rent 7s. 8d. Heriot…

Description: Counterpart of lease for 99 yrs. or 3 lives. Fine £90. Rent 7s. 8d. Heriot 30s. (i) Sir Wm. Coryton, W. Newton Ferrers, Bt. (ii) Jn. Roberts, Feock, yeo. - tenement in Cheppitt in Feock. (Timber, minerals, quarries reserved. Lives: Thomas, Walt., and Ann sons and dtr. of Thos. Vivian, Truro, dyer (decd.). Suit of court. Office of reeve. Repairs. Re-entry after arrears of 3 months.) Witd. Hannah Vivian, Nich. Burley, Rich. Smith. Endsd. '388'.
Date: 29/09/1711
Last import: September 11, 2017

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