Walter atte Hale, parson of Kislingbury, Henry Beck and Peter de Favelore, chaplains; and Sir…

Description: Walter atte Hale, parson of Kislingbury, Henry Beck and Peter de Favelore, chaplains; and Sir Warin de Insula, knight, and Margaret his wife. Mon. after the nativity of St. John the Baptist, 47 Edw. III Walter, Henry and Peter have granted to Warin and Margaret their manors of Kyselyngbury (Northants.) and Draycote (Wilts.), with all the appurtenances except the advowson of Kyselyngbury; to them and Warin's heirs. Witnesses: Sir Warin Lucyan, knight, Simon Warde, ... Wydevyle, John Blaunche, John son of Ralph. At: Kingston Lisle. [Please quote GC3656 at Berkeley Castle Muniments when requesting this file]
Date: 27/06/1373
Last import: September 11, 2017

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