17 April 1 Edward IV Letter of attorney Thomas Thomkyns of Hudicote Bertram attorns William Hale of…

Description: 17 April 1 Edward IV Letter of attorney Thomas Thomkyns of Hudicote Bertram attorns William Hale of Ilmyndon to deliver full possession to William Hanes of Mukelton and John Hale of Nether Dycheford 1 messuage and 1 virgate of arable land with their appurtenances lying in the town and fields of Hudicote Bertram which once [belonged to] Henry Bonpas, then John Heyford and lately Thomas Mudelyntone To hold of the chief lords of the fee Given at Hudicote Seal: on tag; missing
Date: 01/01/1461 - 31/12/1461
Last import: September 11, 2017

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