Lease for lives

Description: (1) John Crewe of Crewe, esq, (2) Richard Allcocke of Hale, yeo. Mess. in Hale in occ. of (2), reserving timber rights to (1). Consideration: Surrender of former lease for 2 lives, and £30. Lives: (2), wife Alice, Mary Tipping. Rent: 10s. 10d., heriot of best chattels or £5, customary services and suit at court of (1) in Hale or Ringey twice yearly, and pay 12d. to steward of court. Wit: Henry Haslehurst, John Dancastle, Jo. Acton. Seal on tag, fragment, arm. Endorsed: certificate of livery of seisin.
Date: 04/12/1671
Last import: September 11, 2017

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