Release of Brownlow, 5th Duke of Ancaster from trusteeship following transfer of £12,944.19s.8d. 3% consols to Brownlow Mathew of Clanville Lodge, Southants, esq., Jane Maitland of Lyndhurst, Southants, (widow of Thomas Maitland, esq.), Charles Cumberland

Description: Release of Brownlow, 5th Duke of Ancaster from trusteeship following transfer of £12,944.19s.8d. 3% consols to Brownlow Mathew of Clanville Lodge, Southants, esq., Jane Maitland of Lyndhurst, Southants, (widow of Thomas Maitland, esq.), Charles Cumberland of Ramsgate and Penelope Susanna, his wife (Brownlow, Jane, and Penelope Susanna were the children of the late Gen. Edward Mathew by his wife Lady Mary, Sister of the 5th Duke)
Date: 24/02/1806
Last import: September 11, 2017

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