BEATRIX Reg No 28,104

Description: Reg. Southampton 1860, 1868 Built Lymington 1860 Sail 64 tons (1868-108 tons) Crew lists: 1868-1, 1869-0, 1870-1, 1871-2, 1872-NA, 1873-NA, 1874-3, 1876-3, 1877-1, 1878-2, 1879-2, 1880-1, 1881-2, 1882-0, 1883-0, 1884-0, 1885-0, 1886-0, 1887-2, 1888-0, 1889-1, 1890-1 Owners: 1868 Earl of Durham, Lambton Castle, Durham; 1880-9 H.Gerard Leigh, 23 Pont St., Belgrave Square, London; 1890 G.M.Coxhead, London Master: 1868 Fredrick Rice, 1 Bath Road, Lymington; 1877 Wm.Pearce, Lymington; 1878-81 Abraham Blackford, 1 Solent Place, Lymington; 1887-9 Wm.B.Caines, Cowes; 1890 Henry Laigent, Brighton. Voyages: 1868 Yachting; 1870-6 pleasure; 1877-80 Laid up at Lymington; 1881 pleasure cruising; 1889 Cowes to West Indies; Sold foreign 1891
Last import: September 11, 2017

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