Building Lease for 99 years (Original and Counterpart) Mayor and Jurats to Joseph Wormald of Hythe, carpenter

Description: "All that piece or parcel of Waste land of the said Mayor, Jurats and Commonalty lying and being in Hythe aforesaid bounding to land of John Day towards the North .... to the Churchyard of St. Leonard in Hythe aforesaid towards the East .... to the King's Highway towards the West .... and to a certain Common Way or Passage towards the South .... and also all that one other piece or parcel of Waste land of the said Mayor .... bounding to the said Common Way or Passage towards the North .... to the said Churchyard of St. Leonard towards the East .... to the King's Highway towards the West .... and to the garden and hereditaments of the feoffees of St. John's Hospital .... towards the South .... Rent: 2s.6d p.a Parchment with seals
Date: 02/02/1771
Last import: September 11, 2017

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